99BUS@ 柴灣 Cineman City/ 石澳 Shek O/ 龍脊 Dragon Back - 01 DEC 2024
【全新活動 New Event】 99BUS X 99HIKE X 得寵先生 @ 柴灣 Cineman City/ 石澳 Shek O/ 龍脊 Dragon Back - 01 DEC 2024
之前我地做過二次人寵共賞電影, 以往都係睇完電影就返屋企, 毛孩好似未放電, 今次特別有後續活動, 完左電影後可以再去石澳, 詳情分左以下三部分, 大家可以按個人喜愛參加, 如果唔想睇戲喜歡戶外活動可以直接去挑戰龍脊, 或者休閒去石澳走走吃吃.
A. 電影組 - 柴灣 Cineman City : 99bus 會在11:30 AM 先到達戲院, 享受完人寵電影後, 99bus 會由戲院接送去石澳, 到達時間約為 2:30-3:00PM, 回程時間為 5:15PM
B. 悠閒組 - 石澳 : 輕鬆優閒的朋友可以選擇直接到石澳. 上落點會在石澳停車場, 會程時間為 5:15PM
C. 挑戰組 - 龍脊 : 體力充沛的朋友可以選擇直接到龍脊. 去程落點會在石澳道公共廁所, 回程會在大浪灣停車場. 由於上次去龍脊時所需步行時間較長, 是次回程時間會修改至 5:30PM.
詳細資料會在活動前三日以電郵通知大家.【立即報名】 www.99bus.org
【99HIKE 路線】: https://tinyurl.com/99hike
【99BUS 車站】: https://tinyurl.com/99bustation
活動日期:12月1日 (星期日)
上車時間:10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
抵達時間:11:30 AM - 12:00NN
回程時間:5:15 PM 5:30 PM
特設99HIKE 路線 : https://tinyurl.com/99hike
車站詳情 : http://www.99bus.org/station http://tinyurl.com/99bustation
*交通安排及更多資訊將於報名後通知。費用: 早鳥優惠 $149 正價 $199 (以人計算,包 99BUS每人每座 )
特設99BUS優惠票: 狗狗 /小童(六歲以下)/ 長者(六十歲以上) * 只限99BUS
上車時間會在活動前3日待整合路線一齊公佈, 我們稍後時間會更新正確上車時間.
99BUS + 99HIKE @ Shek O / Dragon Back
Event date: 02/1/2021 ( Sunday)
A. Movie Group - Chai Wan Cinema City: 99bus will arrive at the cinema at 11:30 AM. After enjoying the movie, 99bus will pick you up from the cinema to Shek O. The arrival time is about 2:30-3:00 PM, and the return trip Time is 5:15PM
B. Leisure Group - Shek O: Those who are relaxed and leisurely can choose to go directly to Shek O. The pick-up and drop-off point will be at Shek O car park, and the meeting time is 5:15PM
C. Challenge Group - Dragon's Back: Those with sufficient physical strength can choose to go directly to Long's Back. The outbound journey will be at the public toilet on Shek O Road, and the return trip will be at Tai Long Wan Car Park. the return time will be revised to 5:30PM. Detailed information will be sent to everyone via email three days before the event.
For more Details please refer to http://www.99bus.org/station
http://tinyurl.com/99bustation *more details will be released after registration
Fee: $149 Early bird $199 Original ( per head, return trip)
99bus Special fee : Dogs/ children under 6/ pensioners ( over 60) who will require an extra seat (*99bus only, not include the boat trip)
*費用包括來回交通 Round Trip.
*活動報名費不包括膳食 Fees do not include drinks & foods.
*請按能力攜帶狗狗出席,自行作相應風險管理,需為自身及狗狗安危負責. All applicants should be mange the risk by themselves.
*交通安排及更多資訊將於報名後通知 More details will be provided after registration.
*最後上車時間以電郵為準 All time schedule should be refer to private email.
*巴士類型:單層冷氣巴士 Single deck air conditioned bus
*來回/ 佔座位計 Round trip / per seat
*$7 作網上交易費 $7HKD for the online payment fee.
*Terms & conditions apply only : http://www.99bus.org/terms-of-use
*車站位置: www.99bus.org/station
*如人數不足可能會改以99VAN 接送